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Help / Support

Support Assistance for Your Downloaded Code

At ChupaMobiles, we ensure that the code you’ve purchased functions optimally. However, if you’re experiencing issues, here’s how you can seek resolution:

1. Consult the Download Documentation: Inside the compressed file you’ve purchased, you’ll find a documentation file detailing how to work with and manage the code. We recommend thoroughly reading these instructions for potential solutions.

2. Engage with the Developer: After each purchase, a support thread opens in your inbox, establishing direct communication with the developer. You can discuss and seek support for your issue through this thread. Please provide a detailed description of the problem to equip the developer with the necessary information for assistance. You can also attach images or documents to further elucidate your issue.

3. Developer’s Additional Support: Developers, at their discretion, may offer post-sale support and code upgrades for free. Before purchasing a product on our marketplace, you can use the questions and answers section on each product page to communicate with the vendor and ensure you have all the necessary information.

4. Unresolved Issues: If the problem persists even after following the above steps, you can then reach out to our support team. Note that we can only assist after you’ve gone through all the initial steps. Send your support emails to and please include your order number, code name, and author name for efficient assistance.

Please remember, ChupaMobiles is a marketplace, and the Vendors provide the support. By viewing COMMENTS on a Vendor’s Page or by posting a COMMENT, you can interact with the Vendor before making a purchase. This ensures a smooth purchase and support experience. We’re here to facilitate your success and ensure a seamless journey in the world of app development.”

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